In The Name Of Allah
THE MERCIFUL, THE MOST MERCIFUL FROM MUHAMMAD THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH TO HERACLIUS: THE GREATEST OF ROMANS. Peace be upon those who follow Divine Guidance. I therefore invite you to embrace Islam, surrender to Allah to be in peace. Allah will doubly reward you, but if you turn away the sin of the Arians will rest upon you.
People of the Book, (Jews and Christians), let us come to a common word between us and you that we will worship none except Allah, that we will associate none with Him, and that none of us take others for lords besides Allah. If they turn away, say: Bear witness that we are Muslims (those have surrendered to Him).
Koran 3:64The Prophets of Allah mentioned in the Holy Koran Muhammad, Jesus, John, Zachariah, Elisha, Ellias, Jonah, Ezekiel, Job, Solomon, David, Aaron, Moses, Shuaib, Joseph, Jacob, Isaac, Ishmael, Lot, Abraham, Salih, Hood, Idris, Noah and AdamTo the reader:
First of all we would like to thank you for taking the time gain a better understanding of Islam which is the religion of absolute submission to the Creator of mankind and prophets alike, Allah.
We sincerely hope that you will benefit from this authentic introduction to Islam, and that it may deepen your knowledge and increase your interest. People such as yourself with inquiring minds invariably have families and friends of similar inclination, and we invite you to give them a copy of this booklet.
The Mosque of the Internet team. Welcome!
Everything seems to be turned upside down these days. Crazy things are happening all over the world, we are fed with partial information, misinformation and so on, that many of us find ourselves in a state of complex ignorance, that is we are ignorant that we are ignorant and do not know the whole truth through no fault of our own, and we form our opinions accordingly.
This brief booklet presents Islam in its true form and we stress that it is not that of the fanatical Saudi Wahabi cult, responsible, since its inception for terrorism and the murder of many innocent people as well as Muslims. Their actions are totally against the principals of Islam and Islam rejects and condemns their actions. Islam is the religion of peace, brotherhood, and tolerant co-existence among all mankind, not just amongst its followers.
The foremost principal of Islam is the belief in the Oneness of God, the Creator of all, who has no partners, who is the sender of the Prophets to whom he gave His guidance, who is the sender of the last prophet, Prophet Muhammad who was sent for all mankind and not to one nation as were the missions of previous prophets. Praise and peace be upon all the prophets of Allah.
Many people have the inherent desire for guidance. However, in this complicated, fast moving technological society, the pace of life is so consuming that one is soon distracted from his/her search. New religions are born almost every day only to fade into oblivion soon after.
Many of us try to do good, but how many times has it turned out to be the opposite? We have all heard the phrase, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. So what are we to do? Without the correct guidance we are going to keep falling into the same error time and time again.
Islam addresses each and every aspect of our life from conception to death. It is a complete religion, both spiritually and materialistically that shows us the right path to take, and Allah, the Arabic pronoun for God, confirms this in the opening verses of chapter two in His Holy Book, the Koran That is the (Holy) Book, where there is no doubt. It is a guidance for the cautious.
Muslims are no in doubt that the Arabic Koran recited today is the same as it was when it was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad because Allah in His Mercy promises in the Koran to protect this, His Final Word from alteration.
The Koran contains guidance for every age up until the end of time and contains miraculous signs that await discovery in the appropriate centuries. One such sign that awaited discovery was the developmental stages of the fetus in the womb. This process only became known to physicians recently, many centuries after the revelation of the Koran, and it is impossible that it would have been known at the time of the sending down of the Holy Koran.
The Koran found in todays book stores can be compared to the first copies ever to be written down, such as the one in Bukhara, USSR, there is no difference between them. This in itself is a miracle as rabbis and priest alike admit their books have been, for one reason or another, subjected to alteration and/or parts deleted over the passage of time.
Allah refers to the alterations in the Koran saying: Some Jews tampered with the words (altering) their places saying: We heard and we disobey, and hear, without hearing, and observe us twisting with their tongues traducing religion .
Koran 4:46 The Gospel given to Prophet Jesus by Allah is no longer found in the New Testament, what remains, for the most part, are the teachings of Paul who was not a prophet. Islam is not a new religion.
It is the completion of teachings of Prophets Abraham, Moses and Jesus, all of whom preached that God is One and has no partners. It is tolerant and respectful of all other heavenly religions and their followers who share the belief in the One and only God.
The Holy Koran teaches: "There is no compulsion in religion. Righteousness is now distinct from error. He who disbelieves in the idol and believes in Allah has grasped the firmest tie that will never break, Allah is Hearing, Knowing. Koran 2:256
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