Senin, 22 November 2010

The warning from Allah SWT

"Any person who performed the dawn prayer then he is in God's assurance. Fajr make the whole race was under warranty, maintenance, and protection of God throughout the day. Anyone who kills those who performed the dawn prayer, God will demand it, that he would bury his face into the Fire. "[Narrated by Muslim, At-Tarmidzi and Ibn Majah]

Subhanallah ...

God's promise is certain. When most people are still asleep in her sleep, and even then collapsed dam. This disaster claimed many lives, from adult males until the child - the child.

Who would have thought the incident would happen? Fortunately for those who have awakened and perform the morning prayer, because in the protection of God they survived.

In the city the post daily, published today, March 29, 2009, reported ... a child to wake his parents to perform the morning prayer. And when the disaster came two oarang old man survived, but the child can not be found.

Sad indeed ... but they should be happy, what a great charity to wake the child with both parents to carry out prayers ... God willing, with filial piety was always in sight of Allah Almighty, and blessed by heaven to him.

Dam collapse Situ Gintung on Friday after the morning prayer. To survivors and families who lost members of his family, this tragedy like the apocalypse.

Prophet Muhammad explained, "It is not the creature must have been very anxious reptiles except on Fridays from dawn until sunrise, for fear that if the apocalypse comes. Except humans and jinn. "(Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan).

This hadith clearly explained, how the animals are very scared and worried on Friday arrived. They fear that the apocalypse is coming on Friday. Indeed, not only humans and jinn. - Glory Days Friday Disalahkeramatkan -

"Verily, when the fall adzab to them is at the dawn of time, not the dawn is near? "(Surah Hud: 81)

Hmm ... goosebumps just by remembering and re-imagine the events Situ Gintung. As already predicted course of events that will happen. So what else can make us aware? Come together - together we increase the charity and worship ourselves - each, and preceded by carrying out dawn prayer on time.

May we always be in the protection of God Almighty, amen.

Source: Nelangsa Wordpress

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